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Single Adults
Single Adult Sunday School classes and Bible studies frequently gather for events and fellowship outside of regular meetings. Get connected with a Single Adult's group to find your community.
Sunday School
For single adults
Wednesday Nights
A safe space for women to grow, heal, and be supported by other women
For adults in their 30s and 40s
For single adults 60 years and older
For single adults in their 60s and better
For single moms of all ages
For single adults in their 50s and better
For single adults in their 50s and 60s
For single adults in their 40s and 50s
For singles in their 30s and 40s
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Crossings Single Adult Ministry
Crossings OKC
To stay informed about Single Adult Ministry events, Bible studies, groups, and more, sign up for the weekly newsletter.
Pastor, Single Adult Ministries
Crossings Edmond
Single Adult Ministry offers events, Bible studies, groups, and more throughout the year.
Edmond Location Pastor
Crossings Community Center
Single Women: Raising Kids Together is a monthly meeting for single moms to enjoy dinner and find support and connection with other single moms.
Associate Pastor - Community Center